Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CSR Activities

Shared CSR Program with Karawang International Industrial City (KICC)
Twice a year, Freyabadi Indotama and KIIC (Desa Telaga) donate over 1,000 trees to be planted at villages around KIIC. While once a year, Freyabadi Indotama and KIIC (Desa Telaga) donate trees to schools, and educate students about reforestation and preservation of the environment.
We provide nutritious foods for POSYANDU (Health service for pregnant women and babies), enhancing our engagement and participation in the well being of the residents of Karawang and the environment surrounding it.

Shared CSR Program with the West Java Government
Freyabadi Indotama donated and planted mangrove trees on Tangkolak, Cilamaya Wetan in 2019. Due to social distance measures in 2020, this activity was suspended until further notice.

Food Donations For Elementary Students in West Karawang
We provided over 400 packs of UHT milk drinks for a total of 250 school students in two schools, SD Margakaya I and SD Margakaya II, Telukjambe, West Karawang.
This program started in January 2019, and was suspended in 2020 due to social distance measures.

Educational Support
Over the years, we have provided computers and other hardware tools for elementary students at SD Margakaya I and SD Margakaya II, Telukjambe, West Karawang to promote inclusion, and extend their access to digital education tools.
Food Donations to Hospital workers during the 2020 pandemic
Freyabadi Indotama delivered over 500 pieces of Tulip Loving Cakes prepared by our partner Dapur Cokelat to RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Puskesmas Kebayoran Lama, and Puskesmas Jagakarsa in Indonesia.

Lamps Donation For Khlongkrum Temple in PluakDaeng
Freyabadi Indotama Thailand donated fluorescent lamps to Khlongkrum Temple which is located nearby to the factory as part of corporate social responsibility to the community in the temple area